
onsdag 9 maj 2012

Letting go, again.

I think I can see the end of the most stressful (workwise) period of this year so far. As in, I'm not there yet, but I can believe I can see that end twinkling nicely there at the horizon. I wish I could say that I've managed everything, but I haven't. Not surprisingly, I had to let go of a couple of things, including my instructing karate, for this time being. Which is very sad, because I had been looking forward to it for long. But I had to accept that I couldn't do it (at least well) without practising more myself than I've recently been doing. I couldn't focus enough to come up with any kind of working program, nor to maintain the confidence needed to just step out there and effing improvise the times I should have. I just couldn't. Hope I'll get the chance to try again soon enough.

One thing that worries me is that this seems to happen every spring. Every. Spring. I take on too much and then have to decide what to let go. Why do I still do it? I don't know. Aren't you supposed to learn from your mistakes?

Back to writing essays now. See you around.

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