
fredag 7 januari 2011

30 things I love about myself

Some time ago I saw this idea about creating a list of 30 things I love about myself on the Frisky. I thought it was a lovely idea (still do.) and very motivational, and decided I would try write my own... And then I forgot about it and nothing happened - until quite recently when I re-read some old posts of mine, saw the "30 things..." post again and decided to give it another try! I think it would do me good right now. It certainly wasn't easy thinking of so many different things, and I must admit that a couple of the things on my list are closer to "things I wish I loved about myself" than things I'd already love. On the other hand I guess that could be seen as a challenge of sorts!

It did take a little while to put the whole list together, but here goes:

30 things I love about myself

1. My hair (or rather love-hate-relationship, to be honest)
2. My cooking.
3. That I quit smoking after ...14 years..?
4. That I'm not a picky eater
5. My love for animals
6. My abs! I finally have visible abs!
7. That I can see both sides of most issues
8. My creativity
9. My ability to laugh at myself
10. That I'm opinionated
11. The way my body feels when I run
12. That I finally came out as a geek
13. I'm quite good at completely ignoring social circles and making different people interact with each other
14. I like to think I'm open minded
15. My very selective organizational skills
16. My orgasms! (Yes. I squirt. There's some TMI for you.)
17. That I finally have an exercise routine
18. My appreciation of small things
19. That I've been through some crap and come out a better person
20. My curiousity.
21. My love of learning.
22. That I've been a proud vegetarian for over a decade!
23. My ability to make friends with cats.
24. My appreciation of original people.
25. My imagination!
26. My ability to make people laugh. (see #9.)
27. My skin
28. When there's something I really want I won't stop at anything.
29. my excellent taste in music and/or alcoholic beverages ;)
30. that I sill have people tell me they feel they can relax and be themselves in my company.

Phew! That wasn't too easy. Long after I thought I had the list finished I've still changed things back and forth... But now it's there!

Now it's your turn! And no cheating, try to think of 30 things! It's hard but I bet it's good for you!

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