
måndag 30 januari 2012

F-ing Monday

This morning my doorbell rang before my alarm clock. It was the facility caretaker (with some other guy - missed who he was) who let me know that there is obviously some kind of leakage in/from my bathroom again, and that water is, again, dripping from the ceiling in my downstairs neighbour's bathroom... Oh joy. After a while they were followed by two more guys (in my approx. 2 sqm of a bathroom)with a shitload of gear. After forever they let me know that the piping -that turned out to be ancient - would get a new coating, but that they could not say anything at all about when. Right now there wouls at least not be need of any serious repair work... I did not like the emphasis put on "right now". And of course I was once more told to clean the drain from hair every month. I don't even want to know what kind of a lovely monrning face I met them with at the door, but this time the caretaker gave me all the info on a kind voice I've never heard him use before. Or maybe he just liked the Beware-Of-The-Cat warning sign I finally put on the door. Anyway, I'm a bit worried about the state of my home now and just honestly hope I don't have to move again! I've just stayed there for a year now (quite exactly a year, as a matter of fact) and I lack both the time, energy and money to move anywhere right now. I just got settled FFS! I'd rather focus on things like finding a better job or getting somewhere with my studies. Looking forward to tomorrow morning. It must start better!

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