
fredag 15 februari 2013

Drawing again

I've been drawing again! I knew this week at home with a fever would be good for something. Nothing spectacular, no divine inspiration or surreal fever fantasies though, mostly your ordinary self portraits. But quite happy with the latest ones! Memo to self: Start documenting drawings again!

I love the feeling I get just after having finished a (reasonably) good drawing, especially an unplanned one. I mean, as a "professional artist", it is what I should be doing, right? Just as in my karate training, it still surprises me how sometimes those breaks can seem to be good for you. After struggling a bit with the first one or two drawings after a longer break, I'll regain whatever it was I lost and watch it all start to develop again. And then there's progress. Some kind of. So neat!

On a not completely unrelated note, there's now also a short new post on my art blog:

I don't know what to do about that blog. I love posting on it, the few times a year I do it, but... for some strange reason I still don't post more often..? Why?

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