I had planned to write earlier this week, but then couldn't make my mind up about whether or not (and how!!) to comment on the things that have been all over the news this week - the bombings, the debates on terrorism, the conspiracy theories... I'm still not sure if I really have anything to add to the whole thing. My thoughts, in short, are these: I felt terrible when, on Tuesday morning, I first read the news about the Boston marathon bombing. But no, this does not mean that i do not care what happens in the rest of the world. And no, it does not mean that I think American citizens are more important than people of other nationalities. It does not mean that I agree with the US foreign politics and yes, I am very aware that US military forces (No. Not all American citizens) are killing children in other parts of the world, and, no, I do not think it is acceptable. And finally, yes, I do believe that the world media should be covering the world more fairly.
But. Big but. First of all, I am sick and tired of conspiracy theorists acting like vultures and of the desperate digging for dirt before the blood shed has even begun to cool, just to try prove and spread their own point of view. Secondly, no individual equals one state, one religion or one ideology. Sometimes I feel this is forgot in our hunt for martures and symbols. And, finally, someone killing one of your children never makes it fair for you to kill one of theirs. I do not care who started. Leave the eye-for-an-eye in the Old Testament where it belongs, and then close. the. book. Good.
Picture, once more, blatantly stolen over the interwebs. This message, when pointed at the entire world, summarizes my thoughts quite exactly. |
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