
torsdag 21 mars 2013

Day of great news

Yesterday was the official starting day of the citizens initiative for equal marriage laws - more known as the "Tahdon"- initiative. ("Tahdon" is Finnish for "I do") The primary objective of the initiative is to ensure that same-sex partners will be allowed to marry. If , by September 18, 2013, the initiative is supported by 50 000 citizens or more, this means it will be addressed in the Finnish parliament...
...only, the initiative broke this limit on the first day! Writing this, more than 123 000 people have already shown their support for equal marriage rights. Fantastic! And of course this also means that it's all over the media. I can't even imagine what the sum will be in September. There is no way this can be ignored.

Welcome to the 21st century, Finland!

And, on the same day, I read about the LGBT Equality House by Planting Peace. Lovely!

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