
måndag 11 februari 2013

post-weekend and also post-course update

The course turned out great! We had loads of fun, got both critique, kudos and inspiration, and learned so much! And I got my black belt! So happy!

Unfortunately, I also either caught a flu or then it was the exhaustion that came with the hard practice turning the slight chill I had to a full-blown flu. Whatever it is, I'm not feeling too fresh right now. I'm off my instructing duties for the time being (hoping to be back in shape soon!) but still have to finish the corrections to my thesis - something I should have done by now.

Instead, I've spent today procrastinating by uploading pictures again... One album with pictures from the course is now on facebook, but I failed at creating one for/on google+. I don't know why, but the whole thing just cut off and disappeared, and this happened three times! If I finally manage to get the album done, I will post a link to it here on the blog. I don't want to post the pictures here, simply because they are so many! (And because I can't pick just a couple of them)

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