
söndag 8 januari 2012

Winter day

To experience the Real Winter that we finally have in Turku, I decided to go for a long walk today. I had meant to go first thing in the morning, but as I slept until noon this didn't happen. Instead I went out in the early twilight of the Finnish afternoon - and was rewarded with the most beautiful winter day! The weather could best be described as crispy fresh, and every branch, straw amd stone was covered in the most amazing minus eleven degree-frost. And over it all the slowly fading sunlight, giving everything more and more of a bluetone. I so wished I'd had a camera! And there where a particularly big amount of photographers out amongst the normal joggers. It was so cold I had to force myself not to start running instead of walking ( I still have karate practice tonight, and didn't want to exhaust myself), and to keep warm I tried to walk extra actively instead. (I have no warm outer pants) I'm now pausing at university on my way back home, and my fingers are still so stiff from the cold that it's hard for me to write. Looking forward to hot food when I return home, but also so happy about my walk that I just had to write about it immediately!

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