
söndag 17 april 2011


Today is election day. I can't remember ever having skipped voting. I simply think it's stupid not to. It might be a cliché, but yes: if you don't vote you shouldn't complain either. So I guess you could say I've erarned my right to complain for four more years. Yay!

My so called plan for this weekend was to actually go out and act social, but I found myself at home, cleaning the apartment on a Saturday night. And I didn't feel too bad about it! I like my new home and even take a certain pride in keeping it tidy enough. (Who'd have ever thought...)

My mind is still bugging me. Everything is so... ... unlimited..? When happy, I'm OMGhappy!!!!1!, when sad - absolutely miserable. When I'm disappointed, I'll stay so for days. I still wish I'd learn to master some kind of emotional strangulation technique. How to shut it all off. I went for what was suypposed to be a long walk but turned into jogging. It was really nice, the weather absolutely beautiful and all, and it did help in soothing a bit of the restlessness.

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