
tisdag 21 september 2010

problems sleeping

So apparently I've just started a fresh new period of sleeping problems... I wonder if it would help to get up earlier in the morning, or some other kind of change of habits - or if it's simply something I have to give in to, as in accepting that it happens in periods of stress... I don't like giving in. But on the other hand I feel like I'm working on enough bad habits as it is and would like to have some kind of fucking reward for that, if ever so small, once in a while... You can't always just "try harder".

And, as usual, since I wake up tired and as late as possible after not having slept properly, I will not really function during the day either... I have been getting some things done - luckily. But far to many things without a certain deadline will be left to linger. This annoys me a lot, as I'm practically watching it happen right there in front of my nose without getting myself pushed to do something. I'll have a hard time concentrating and easily zoom out into a daydream...

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow. With the whole rising earlier, that is.

Edit: Memo To Self -  always keep piece of dark chocolate well hidden but close to desk. *omnomnom*

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